Total war warhammer 2 nagarythe
Total war warhammer 2 nagarythe

total war warhammer 2 nagarythe total war warhammer 2 nagarythe

Couple these factors with frequent raids and invasions by the Druchii and numerous other antagonistic forces and it's easy to understand how the Asur are diminished. The Dark Elves, for whatever reason, don't really seem to suffer this problem. The Asur also seem to have problems with their fertility and breed too slowly to properly restore their numbers.

  • The High Elven population never really recovered from the twin disasters of The Sundering and The War of Vengeance.
  • In fact, baring the obvious exceptions like the Skaven and the Orcs, shouldn't the High Elves have one of the highest populations in setting, seeing as they're the most organized and level headed, yet still badass enough to defend their interests? That doesn't even include the "evil" factions where You Have Outlived Your Usefulness, We Have Reserves, and The Social Darwinist, are not only applied but actively enforced. note The Dwarfs mindlessly throw themselves at one grudge after another, the Empire is constantly deadlocked in fueds and byzantine politics, the Britonnians are in love with nigh-suicidal quests and carelessly squander peasant lives, the Lizardmen are so obsessed with "the great plan" that they're out of touch with reality, and the Wood Elves are borderline psychotic. Why are the High Elves dying out?Of all the races in Warhammer, the High Elves are the least invested in pointless and self destructive behavior, even moreso than the other "good" factions.

    Total war warhammer 2 nagarythe